
On the evening of Good Friday, March 29, the Imago Dei Digital Ministry Team stepped out into the streets of Los Angeles to give testimony of our faith. We carried our crosses literally and metaphorically.

As we did, we prayed for our ministry, our community, our family and friends, our pastors & priests, religious & laypersons; for the homeless, for the lost, the sick, the naked, the forgotten, & the abandoned; for the mentally, spiritually & physically ill; for the young and the old.

We hope that you can join us next year as we take hope out to those who need it most. Christ carried and died on the cross so that we might be freed from our slavery to sin - and freed, indeed, we are! Jesus invites us to carry our own crosses daily with the assurance that this way will lead us to the loving arms of the Eternal Father. 

May you all experience the grace of the cross and the power of the resurrection. Jesus is risen!

